Capturing Autumn in Richmond – Photography course for teens
On Saturday we ran a photography course for teens, all about capturing Autumn in Richmond. Autumn is such a beautiful time of the year, with the low sun and golden hues. Perfect for photography! The course started by chatting to the teens about their cameras and which settings they will need to use. We talked about Aperture, shutter speed and compositional techniques. We also showed them photographs by famous photographers for inspiration.
When we head out of our base, Richmond Hill Hotel, we walked straight to the famous viewpoint to photograph the Thames:


Once we had photographed the Thames we walked over to Richmond Park. Here we talked about using vivid colour settings, silhouetting, using aperture to capture close ups and landscapes and shutter speed to capture leaves falling and creative blurred photos. We love how creative the students got with their photographs.






At the end of the day we went back inside to thaw out and print some photographs for the teens to take home.
We had a brilliant day capturing Autumn in Richmond and the teens took some incredible photographs they should be so proud of! If you know a young budding photographer who would like to join us on a future course, click here to see our course list!