At our after school photography club this week, the children have been taking Black and White photographs.

The theme this week was all about black and white photographs. Students were taught where to find the black and white setting on their camera and how to use it effectively. Black and white photographs introduce more emotion into the photograph, making them more dramatic or simple. We talked about light and dark (contrast) and how the photos made them feel. This encourages the children to think differently and not just snap away at anything they see!

To inspire the students, we showed them images by famous photographers Ferdinando Scianna, Philippe Halsman & Raymond Depardon.

Here are their fantastic black and white photographs:


































As always we are really impressed with the photographs taken and how much effort and creativity went into them.

The after school photography club children did amazing this week with their black and white photographs! The photographs they have taken are brilliant! If you love these photos, you’ll love our Instagram page! We post all our kids & teens photos, as well as little photos & videos of the kids & teens in action. Click here to find our page! If you’re interested in finding out more about our After School Photography Clubs then head to our After School Club page! We also run day workshops in schools, if this is something you would be interested in, head to our School Photography Workshops page.