Capturing Water at Treacle Gallery in Shere, Surrey
Our Capturing Water photography course for kids and teens was a great success. Both kids & teens had great fun and took some amazing water photos! (whilst also got a little bit wet…). The kids group (7-11) was in the morning, and they worked with slightly more automatic settings like the running man for a fast shutter speed. They also had the use of our amazing Nikon W100 waterproof cameras- which were perfect for this course! The teens group (12-15) were taught the more manual settings like changing the shutter speed themselves for different effects. Both kids and teens took some amazing photos!
Fist up: popping water balloons! We were very thankful for a break in our wet English summer and have the sun shining for quick clothes drying! We threw water balloons on the floor, on the wall, and even popped them in our hands! Here are some of their best water balloon popping photos:
The teens then went on to photograph the different ways in which water from water bottles can be captured. We tried pouring it, throwing it, and even jumping on it!
It was time to head over to the Tillingbourne river so the kids could properly put their cameras underwater. It was also a good time for both kids and teens to capture reflections andwater landscapes.
Tillingbourne River has a brilliant mini waterfall which is perfect for the teens to practice using their fast and slow shutter speeds. We encouraged them to try lots of different speeds so they could see the difference it made to their photos.

2.5 Seconds

1/2 Second

1/20 Second

1/30 Second

1/250 Second

1/320 Second
To finish the day with a splash, we threw some big stones into the river for the kids and teens to photograph the big splash they made!
An amazing (and wet!) day was had by all and we are so impressed with the students photographs. If you or someone you know would love to take part in one of our future photography courses for kids and teens then head to our courses page! Also check out our new Youtube page for photography tips, tricks and courses!