Photo Collages are so much fun to create! Our after school photography club kids loved it this week.

This week at after school photography club we have been creating photo collages! Combining photographs taken by the children, and found images from newspapers and magazines. Our students loved being able to print out their photo of themselves or a friend and then turn it into a completely different image! This theme is Inspired by the amazingly imaginative and creative work of Alma Haser.

It was a bit a of a messy task, with newspaper cut outs flying everywhere, but the sound of joy from the children made it all worth while! (And the threat of not going home until the classroom was spotless…).

After school photography club After school photography club






Here are some of their amazingly creative photo collages:

Photo collage


Photo collage


Photo collage


Photo collage


Photo collage


Photo collage



Photo collage


Photo collage



Photo collage


Photo collage
























The after school photography club children did brilliantly this week creating their very own Alma Haser inspired photo collages! If you love these photos, you’ll love our Instagram page! We post all our kids & teens photos, as well as little photos & videos of the kids & teens in action. Click here to find our page! If you’re interested in finding out more about our After School Photography Clubs then head to our After School Club page! We also run day workshops in schools, if this is something you would be interested in, head to our School Photography Workshops page.