This term we tried a new theme ‘Creative Collage’ at after school photography club.
We were inspired by the amazing creative collage work of Sarah Anne Johnson who created amazing collages using photographs and other mixed media to change or add to a scene.
We showed the children the photographs to inspire them and get them thinking about what they could create. For the first part of the session the children took photographs of different objects, people and scenes. They then chose 2 photographs to print out, which we did using our mini portable Canon Selphy printers (which the kids LOVE). The children were then asked to think about their photographs, and what they could do to make a creative collage using pens and stickers. Their creative collages were so much fun, and it was great to see their imaginations running wild, creating stories and scenes on top of their images. Check out their best photos below!












The after school photography club children did amazing this week with their Creative Collages! The collages they have made are imaginative, fun and unique! If you love these photos, you’ll love our Instagram page! We post all our kids & teens photos, as well as little photos & videos of the kids & teens in action. Click here to find our page! If you’re interested in finding out more about our After School Photography Clubs then head to our After School Club page! We also run day workshops in schools, if this is something you would be interested in, head to our School Photography Workshops page.