We love this weeks fun photography theme at after school photography club!

This week at after school photography club theme was ‘Hide & seek’. This fun photography topic makes students think outside the box and get creative with their photos! Some students even literally turned it into a gave of hide and seek where the seeker photographed the hider once they saw them! We showed the children photographs by famous photographers to seed their creativity. The photographers we chose this week are Elliott Erwitt, Jerome Sessini & Richard Kalvar.



So the idea is to work in pairs or groups, one person hides but only shows a small part of their body, forcing the viewer to look closely to find them! Here are some of their best photographs:


































Can you spot everyone in the photographs?! The after school photography club children did amazing this week with our fun photography theme hide & seek! The photographs they have taken are brilliant! If you love these photos, you’ll love our Instagram page! We post all our kids & teens photos, as well as little photos & videos of the kids & teens in action. Click here to find our page! If you’re interested in finding out more about our After School Photography Clubs then head to our After School Club page! We also run day workshops in schools, if this is something you would be interested in, head to our School Photography Workshops page.