Yesterday was day 2 of photography courses at Hatchlands park, and this time is was a Photographic Treasure Hunt! (And because its Easter, its only right that there were chocolate eggs at the end!). There was a course for kids in the morning (ages 7-11) and a course for teens in the afternoon (ages 12-15). To earn their chocolate prize, the kids & teens had to work through a list of photographic challenges. These challenges included technical tasks such as: using their depth of field (aperture), taking a blurry photo and capturing action (shutter speed) and taking a photo in black and white. As well as visual challenges such as: photographing something red, the letter L, a circle and a frame within a frame to name just a few.

untitled shoot-9401  untitled shoot-9386 untitled shoot-9448

Some of the challenges were easier than others, but both kids and teens did so well ticking most (if not all) of them off the list!

Here are some of the best photos from our kids group:

DSCN0083 DSCN0023 DSCN0047 DSCN0051 DSCN0056 DSCN0153

Here are some of the best photos from our teens group:

IMG_0014 IMG_0044 IMG_0060 IMG_0145 IMG_0049 IMG_0066

Both kids and teens all said how much they enjoyed it, and if they were to change anything it would be for the course to be longer! If you’re interested in signing up for future courses then visit our Courses page or get in touch!