This week at after school photography club we’ve been photographing bugs and bubbles!
Both bugs and bubbles are fast moving and hard to photograph so this theme is a real challenge for our students. They needed to use the ‘take a series of pictures’ setting on their Nikon Coolpix cameras. This setting allows them to take rapid multiple images, increasing their chance of capturing the perfectly timed image. To inspire the after school club children we showed them photographs by Chris Steele-Perkins and Wildlife Photographer of the Year young contestant Gabriel.

Chris Steele-Perkins

Gabriel (WPY)

A lot of determination and perseverance was needed to get the photographs the children wanted, but they succeeded! Take a look at their fantastic images below:
Tillingbourne Junior School



Holy Trinity Primary School



Bushy Hill Junior School



The after school photography club children did brilliantly this week capturing their bugs and bubbles photos… it was a challenge but they overcame! If you love these photos, you’ll love our Instagram page! We post all our kids & teens photos, as well as little photos & videos of the kids & teens in action. Click here to find our page! If you’re interested in finding out more about our After School Photography Clubs then head to our After School Club page! We also run day workshops in schools, if this is something you would be interested in, head to our School Photography Workshops page.