Black and White – After School Photo Club

Black and White – After School Photo Club

As well as teaching our students how to notice colour and light in their surroundings we also encourage them to use the black and white setting on their cameras to make a study of tone and texture. Often removing the colour from an image can allow the viewer to really see what the photographer wishes

What is it? – After School Photo Club

What is it? – After School Photo Club

Our next theme for After School Photo Club was “What is it?” Where we encourage the children to look for frame that is so obscure it is difficult to tell straight away what the image is of. They used the flower setting on their Nikon Coolpix cameras to zoom in and create their close up

Online After School Photography Club

Online After School Photography Club

Call The Shots with our After School Online Photography Club ___________________________________________________________________ It’s been a strange year but, as we slowly return to a form of normality, there’s a lot to look forward to in the coming months. Summer’s almost over, which means we’ve now got our sights on Christmas, Bonfire Night and, of course, Halloween. 

Autumn Photography Fun!

Autumn Photography Fun!

Autumn photography fun at after school club! This week at after school club the kids were having lots of Autumn photography fun! Autumn is a wonderful season for photography, the colours are vivid and the light is soft. To inspire our students photographs we showed them images taken by famous photographers. This week these images

Online Photography Courses for Kids and Teens

Online Photography Courses for Kids and Teens

Just Landed! Online Photography Courses From Sharp Shots Receive expert photography coaching online and maximise your photography potential. Sharp Shots Photo Club Online are excited to launch their new range of online photography courses to help every budding photographer get the most out of every shot. Suitable for every kid and teen photographer, the online

After school club: Best of Autumn 2018

After school club: Best of Autumn 2018

After School Photography Club, Autumn term 2018 This week is the final week of our after school photography clubs until the new year! We can’t believe how fast the term has gone, but we’ve had a brilliant time. Our students have learnt various camera skills like how to use the scene settings creatively, different compositional
