What do you like to take photos of?

What do you like to take photos of?

We’re super excited to be back with a new term at Sharp Shots Photography Club! We hope you all enjoyed your New Year and are getting stuck in with those resolutions…This week we introduced some new faces and a few familiar ones to our cameras and asked them “What do they like to take photos

You Are An Ant Today!

You Are An Ant Today!

The focus this week for our after school photography club students was how much a difference perspective makes in their photos. We encouraged the children to think outside the box when it came to composing their images. Their only rule was to pretend they were an ant with a camera, so their photos had to

Photographing Water!!

Photographing Water!!

In this wet session, the students learned how to capture water using our underwater cameras. We showed the kids the underwater setting and the action setting. The students used buckets, and water bottles to pour and slosh the water in various ways so they could capture interesting water shots. In this session the students learned

Hide and Seek!

Hide and Seek!

This week our after school photography clubs theme was Hide and Seek. This lesson taught the children to really look for their image and introduced the idea of fun into their photographs too. They needed to pair up in groups of two or three and take “where’s wally” photographs. Their partners needed to hide, but


This weeks exciting theme is: Action!

This week we focused on action photos at our after school clubs’, taking super SHARP shots of moving objects. We introduced the camera’s shutter to the kids, and they found out that when they press the shutter button to take the photograph, it literally opens and shuts the “shutter or door” to make the image.


After school photography club theme: Bring your own Toy!

This week the students brought a toy or two from home to photograph. Our young photographers learned how to include their toy in every image, making sure each image was different. Students were encouraged to be creative with their scene settings on their cameras and to try new things! (super far away, really up close,
