First half of summer term recap

First half of summer term recap

We can’t quite believe how fast the first half of summer term ended! We have covered so many different themes in the past few weeks, ranging from colour to still life to bugs and bubbles and finally summer (and more in between)! Our students were so enthusiastic each week, and have taken some truly wonderful photographs.



We are photographing anything that reminds us of summer this week at after school photography clubs. Our students are encouraged to think about words and ideas that remind them of summer, and then use skills learned over the past few weeks to photograph the subject. Seasons are so inspirational, and many professional photographers use the

Frame within a frame

Frame within a frame

This week it is all about framing in our after school photography clubs! We are using a piece of mount board as a literal frame to help physically frame up a photograph, and photographing things close up and far away, using multiple frames, working together, and framing shadows and clouds. Here are a few shots from

Bring your own toy!

Bring your own toy!

We asked kids to bring their favourite toy at last week’s photography club. The aim was to photograph a toy from many different angles and perspectives – from above, below, up close and far away, and try different camera settings for different effects. Students were also encouraged to continue practicing focus, by half pressing the shutter button

Bugs and Bubbles

Bugs and Bubbles

This week at after school photography club the children were given the choice of photographing bugs and/or bubbles. For the bugs, this gave them the opportunity to locate and use the macro setting on their cameras to ensure the photo was as sharp as possible, as well as using the flash if the bugs were in

Macro and continuous shooting

Macro and continuous shooting

Bugs and Bubbles was the theme at last week’s after school photography club. Our students loved the challenge of finding different insects in their school yard and trying to capture bubbles drifting in the wind. Kids practiced photographing insects using Macro setting on their cameras, and locking the focus by half pressing the shutter button.
