Starting the New Year with a photography course for kids and teens at Brooklands Museum
Happy new year! We hope you had wonderful Christmas and New Year celebrations. Did you take any wintery photographs this year?
Our first kids and teens photography course of the year was ‘Capturing Cars, Engines and Planes’ at Brooklands Museum. This venue is a favourite of ours and always very popular with our students. It may have rained for most of the day but it didn’t stop the kids and teens from snapping some brilliant images. Our students were taught how to use their camera to take the best possible photos. We covered aperture (close ups), shutter speed (moving cars) and composition.
The kids had to spend the majority of their time on the course inside- but at Brooklands Museum that doesn’t matter as there is so much to see and photograph indoors!
In the afternoon the rain seized a bit so the teens were able to get outside a bit more.
We had a great time photographing at Brooklands Museum. We will be running another course there next month so if you know someone who would be interested in taking part, click here!