In this week’s after school photography club we had a very exciting theme for the children to work with, called “painting with light”. The students have been using flash lights to literally write their names, draw outlines, hearts and spirals in their photos.

We explained to the children how to use the “firework” setting on their cameras meaning the camera’s shutter will open for 5 seconds, which is how long they would have to “paint” their picture. It’s always good to give the kids a little more technical knowledge about how the camera really works.

The children paired up so that one was holding the camera and the other holding the flash light, they found a dark place and started shooting! One thing they loved to do was create “portals” on the floor by spinning the light around and around.

Find out more about the history of light photography here.

You can see some of the best shots below and to check out photos from our previous children’s photography workshops head to our Gallery.

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