Last week at our after school photography club the theme was “shapes and texture” which was really interesting for the children as it made them really think, particularly about how best to photograph textures. It also meant they had to make sure their shots were in focus for the close up textures like wood and fabrics so that they would be sharp.
At the schools it’s easy to find lots of shapes and textures as the children can use the playground, fields and buildings to find interesting shots.
Edward Weston’s shell photograph was one of the examples we gave to help the children understand the theme. Have a look at his work here.
This week at our kids photography workshops the theme is “mirrors” where the students are given a small circular mirror to capture scenes and experiment with reflections. They can capture themselves or their friends as well as various items around the school.
This new theme will really help them with their angles and really focussing on the subject they’re shooting.
You can see some of the best shots below and to check out photos from our previous children’s photography workshops head to our Gallery.
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