Durston House School at Brooklands Museum

Durston House School at Brooklands Museum

School Photography Workshop with Durston House School at Brooklands Museum Last week we headed to one of our favourite and most popular photography spots- Brooklands Museum! Here we were met by the year 8 boys from Durston House Prep School. The boys were split into two groups- one group learning photography with us, and the

Week 8: Text & Image with whiteboards

Week 8: Text & Image with whiteboards

Using whiteboards to add text to an image! This week at after school photography club, the kids have been using whiteboards to add another dimension to their photos. The children were asked to use the whiteboard to insert text or make thought bubbles in their photos- just like you see in the comics! We asked

Mirrors and Rainbows at after school club

Mirrors and Rainbows at after school club

Getting creative with Rainbows and Mirrors Last week we had a great theme at out after school photography clubs: Mirrors and Rainbows! We handed the kids small mirrors and CD disks to create interesting reflections and rainbows. It can take a little while for the after school club kids to get into this theme as
