Winter photography

We may all be hoping for Spring, but Winter is still very much upon us! So that’s why this weeks after school photography club theme is Winter! You can take some amazing photographs of this season, especially when theres frost and ice around. We will be asking the after school club children what they think of

My favourite things about me

My favourite things about me

Last week’s after school photography club was all about encouraging the kids to think about what their favourite things about themselves are. This could be appearance, abilities, hobbies, personality, anything! They really struggled to begin with saying “I don’t have any favourite things!” But after much encouragement and suggestions, they soon wrote a list of

A day at Castleview Primary School

A day at Castleview Primary School

On 11th January Sharp Shots Photo Club went to Castleview Primary School in Slough for a day of photography fun! We turned up at the school to teach two classes of year 1 students, armed with a case full of Nikon Coolpix cameras, a box of dressing up clothes and props, and a professional backdrop! We wanted

Week 3- Colour

Week 3- Colour

Colour week has been so much fun! The kids really enjoyed themselves (despite the cold!) and created some fantastic photographs. They clearly thought about each photograph and their compositions were great. They used the “more vivid” setting on their Nikon Coolpix cameras, to make sure the colours really stood out. Here’s this weeks sharp shooters!


It’s colour week!

Our after school photography club theme this week is Colour! The kids’ assignment is to photograph every colour of the rainbow, focusing on taking simple pictures that portray the colour as the subject.  The Nikon Coolpix camera’s we use have some great settings on them. These settings allow the children to play around with making the
