Easter at Brooklands Museum!

Easter at Brooklands Museum!

Our first Photography course this Easter Holiday was at Brooklands Museum! This venue is very popular with kids and teens who love all things engines, cars and planes! They learn all about how their camera works and how to capture the perfect sharp shot. We had the perfect weather for yesterday’s course at Brooklands. The clear

Time to party- Its journal week!

Time to party- Its journal week!

Easter is almost here and that means one thing… no, not chocolate eggs (although that is pretty vital). It’s the end of term and time for the Journal Party! Journal parties are always lots of fun. We bring in yummy snacks for the kids to eat, and they receive the journal they’ve been working so


This weeks theme: Landscape photography

This week’s theme is all about encouraging the students to take creative landscape shots. We will be talking about where to place the horizon line- encouraging them to place the horizon high or the horizon low – anywhere but in the middle. They will need to remember perspective! We’ll be asking the students to think about what is


Week 8: Black and White

This week at our after school photography clubs the kids are learning all about how to take great black and white photographs. Encouraging the children to keep their creams on the black and white setting will get them to focus on the contrasting light. Black and white photographs introduce more emotion to the photograph, making photographs


It’s toy week!

This week at our after school photography clubs we are photographing toys! This theme is always so much fun and kids just love it! The point of the assignment is for the students to include their toy in every image, making sure each image is different. We will encourage them to try taking different perspectives

Half term at The Photographers Gallery

Half term at The Photographers Gallery

Half term began with 3 days at The Photographers Gallery, London. Students could sign up to 1, 2 or all 3 days, which each covered different techniques and themes. Colour Day one was focusing on Colour. This session was all about capturing the colour in the world around us. We looked at the work of famous
