Patterns are everywhere we look.. but do we see them?

Patterns are everywhere we look.. but do we see them?

Last weeks theme at our after school photography club for children was ‘Patterns’. We wanted to encourage the children to really use their eyes to find patterns in the everyday objects around them. We look at loads every day, but how much do we really see? Its a real skill to train the eye to see things that


This week we are photographing Patterns!

This weeks after school photography club is all about photographing Patterns. The children will learn to “look” more in their photographs, looking for patterns in their everyday surroundings. If you really think about it, there are patterns absolutely everywhere! Pencil cases, fences, trees, leaves, hands, the floor, buildings… everywhere! In this session we are teaching the


After school photography clubs are back!

Christmas is over, New year has been celebrated and children are back at school, which means After School Photography Clubs are back for the Spring term! We are excited to be covering a great range of themes this term, from portraits and landscapes, to colour and black and white- and everything in-between! This weeks theme

Sharp Shots end of year blog!

Sharp Shots end of year blog!

2016 has been a fantastic year here at Sharp Shots Photo Club! We have had so much fun teaching photography clubs and photography courses for kids! After school Photography clubs have been a massive success, with lots of children really getting to grips with how to use a camera and take a great photograph. We

The final after school photography club before Christmas!

The final after school photography club before Christmas!

Christmas is just around the corner which means our after school photography clubs have come to an end for the Autumn term! We have had so much fun, with themes throughout the term such as: I like to take photos of.. Shapes and textures Water You are an ant Action Autumn Halloween Favourite photographer Hide

We’re now being supported by the Nikon School !

We’re now being supported by the Nikon School !

We have some super exciting news – Sharp Shots are now being supported by the Nikon School for 2017! We will be working with Nikon and using their great range of cameras for all of our students. The Nikon waterproof/shockproof/wifi Coolpix W100 will be used for our Photography After School clubs and venue courses. This camera is virtually
