Halloween at after school photography clubs!

Halloween at after school photography clubs!

It was all about spooky photos at this week’s after school clubs! Halloween is great for dressing up and trick or treating, but it also gives kids a great opportunity to get creative and think of ways to create spooky photographs in their school setting. To inspire the kids, we started off the session by

Photography after school clubs playing hide and seek

Photography after school clubs playing hide and seek

This week at our after school photography clubs we are playing a game of Hide and Seek! The after school photography club students were tasked to pair up or work in small groups and direct their subject to hide somewhere in the school yard so they can take a photograph of them, much like in

Kids and teens workshops at Wakehurst

Kids and teens workshops at Wakehurst

We spent the weekend teaching kids and teens mini-photography sessions at Bountiful Botanics Autumn festival at Wakehurst. It was a lovely sunny weekend, celebrating changing seasons and photographing nature’s bounties. Our students captured some beautiful close up shots of plants and fungi, warm autumnal colours and stunning landscapes. Here are just a few of their

Black and white photography

Black and white photography

At this week’s after school photography club the children were learning about black and white photography. To get the kids thinking about black and white photography, we discussed looking for contrasting light and areas in their school that are bright and dark. To get their creativity flowing, we showed them the work of well known

Photographing from an ants perspective

Photographing from an ants perspective

This week at after school photography club the kids were challenged to photograph from an ants perspective! To get the children thinking about different perspectives and angles, we asked them to think about how they would see their surroundings if they were an ant. This meant putting their cameras on the ground, along a wall,

Photographing Water at After School Club

Photographing Water at After School Club

This week at our after school photography clubs we got very wet photographing water! The after school club kids love photographing water, it’s so exciting! They get very wet without a care, and take some incredible photos. This theme works extra well as the cameras we use (Nikon Coolpix W100) are completely waterproof. Meaning the
