Week 4 – You are an ant!!

Week 4 – You are an ant!!

This week at our After school photography clubs we have mostly been crawling on our tummies, laying on our backs, crouching down and climbing up… pretending to be ants! We asked the children to think about what they would see if they were an ant, and to photograph it! Putting your camera on the Macro setting


You are an ant today!

This weeks theme at our after school photography clubs is “You are an ant today”! Using a combination of our Nikon Coolpix cameras and the children’s creative minds, we will try to take photographs of what you might see if you were an ant or small bug! Getting really low down on the ground and


Underwater photography tips

This week’s hot weather spell is the perfect time to try out some underwater photography! You can try this in a paddling pool at home, at a local swimming pool or in the sea. Here are some of our top tips on how to take underwater photos that stand out: 1. Make sure you are

Half term fun!

Half term fun!

This half term, grab your camera and get creative! Practice your photography skills by going out and about and photographing the world around you – your back garden, your local walk, a family day out or your family holiday. A little project like “Why I love June” is a great way to practice a whole range

First half of summer term recap

First half of summer term recap

We can’t quite believe how fast the first half of summer term ended! We have covered so many different themes in the past few weeks, ranging from colour to still life to bugs and bubbles and finally summer (and more in between)! Our students were so enthusiastic each week, and have taken some truly wonderful photographs.

Bring your own toy!

Bring your own toy!

We asked kids to bring their favourite toy at last week’s photography club. The aim was to photograph a toy from many different angles and perspectives – from above, below, up close and far away, and try different camera settings for different effects. Students were also encouraged to continue practicing focus, by half pressing the shutter button
