Week 4 – You are an ant!!

Week 4 – You are an ant!!

This week at our After school photography clubs we have mostly been crawling on our tummies, laying on our backs, crouching down and climbing up… pretending to be ants! We asked the children to think about what they would see if they were an ant, and to photograph it! Putting your camera on the Macro setting


You are an ant today!

This weeks theme at our after school photography clubs is “You are an ant today”! Using a combination of our Nikon Coolpix cameras and the children’s creative minds, we will try to take photographs of what you might see if you were an ant or small bug! Getting really low down on the ground and


Shapes and Textures

This week at our after school photography clubs we are focusing on the theme “Shapes and Textures”. We are encouraging our students to find shapes and textures that could quite often be missed or unseen, teaching them how to look more carefully to spot these hidden compositions. Photographing textures can be really effective when using

Week 9 of Photo Club

Week 9 of Photo Club

Last week at after school photography clubs the children were asked to photograph their thoughts. Equipped with a whiteboard and pen, they worked in pairs to photograph each other acting out their speech bubbles. This theme was interesting because the children had to really think about how they would capture their thoughts in a photograph,

Week 6 of Photo Club

Week 6 of Photo Club

Last week at our after school photography club the theme was “shapes and texture” which was really interesting for the children as it made them really think, particularly about how best to photograph textures. It also meant they had to make sure their shots were in focus for the close up textures like wood and fabrics so

Spring term so far

Spring term so far

We’ve had a great time this term with some fantastic themes for the children to work with. So far we’ve learned how to use the flash, painted with light and taken dinosaurs on an adventure! All of these themes have been helping the students understand how the camera works and how to take the best
